G.R.O.W - Getting rooted on the word 

GROW ministries is the overarching umbrella of discipleship here at Cornerstone Church. Scripture commands us to “Make Disciples” in Matthew 28:19.  We have developed these avenues for you to invest in your personal spiritual GROWth in becoming a Disciple (follower) of Jesus. 

There are 3 main "growth" Tracks:

Click for more information about these wonderful courses!

Next Steps

Deeper Steps

Future Steps

Other Ministries

Check out other opportunities through G.R.o.w!

G.i.f.t Mentorship

G.I.F.T stands for Growing in Faith Together, and is a program where a Number of trained mentors are available to walk alongside you for 12 weeks in this program. Click below to find out more!

Higher Ground Recovery

The Higher Ground Ministry is a Christ-centered, local church sponsored, support group for anyone who has been personally affected by any addiction in their life or the life of a family member or friend. The foundation of this ministry is the Bible, God’s Holy Word, which alone is sufficient to deal with addictive-compulsive behaviors in ourselves and in the lives of others.

College & Career GROW GROUp

The College and Career Grow Group is a part of the GROW Discipleship arm of Cornerstone Church. We strive to welcome and disciple all young adults. This group has a flexible, drop-in atmosphere focusing on building connections and community.

Financial Peace Universty

Financial Peace University is a 9 week course that goes through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University course and workbook, led by Pastor Kyle Collins. Learn to budget, pay off debts, and get your finances back on track with this Course!